As someone who has personally experienced homelessness in my own life, I felt compelled to help when I learned about Homeless Connect Edmonton. The mission of Homeless Connect Edmonton is to provide services that will create paths out of homelessness, build lasting partnerships, raise public awareness of homelessness in the community and provide a vehicle for community involvement in addressing the issue of homelessness. For each residential measure appointment booked during the month of November, realtors will receive a limited edition RBD logo toque in their choice of four colours. For each toque given away, Residence By Design will also make a $5 donation to Homeless Connect Edmonton. It's our hope that you will proudly wear your toque and spread the word about Homeless Connect Edmonton. Our goal is to raise $1000 but we need your help! If you are a realtor selling a property in the Edmonton area or know a realtor, head over to our web page for more information on booking a residential measure and visit for more information on how you can help end homelessness in Edmonton.